Courses and Departments
- Courses and Departments
- AB: Arabic
- AC: Advertising and Marketing Communications
- AD: Advertising Design
- AF: Fashion Design (See also AP, AR, DP, FD, FF, TL)
- AP: Fashion Design-Apparel (See also AF, AR, DP, FD, FF, TL)
- AR: Fashion Design-Art (See also AF, AP, DP, FD, FF, TL)
- BE: Business Enterprise
- BL: Business Law
- BT: Business and Technology Studies
- CD: Communication Design Foundation
- CG: Computer Graphics
- CH: Chinese
- CL: Fashion and Culture of the World
- CM: Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing
- CS: Computer Science
- CT: Creative Technology
- DD: Design Division Studies
- DE: Visual Presentation and Exhibition Design
- DM: Direct and Interactive Marketing
- DP: Draping Techniques
- EN: English and Communication Studies
- EP: Entrepreneurship
- ES: Educational Skills
- FA: Fine Arts
- FD: Fashion Design-Apparel (See also AF, AP, AR, DP, FF, TL)
- FF: Fashion Design-Art (See also AF, AP, AR, DP, FD, TL)
- FI: Film and Media Studies (See also FX)
- FM: Fashion Business Management
- FR: French
- FS: Fabric Styling
- FX: Film and Media Production (See also FI)
- GD: Graphic Design
- HA: History of Art and Civilization
- HD: Human Development
- HE: Health Education
- HI: History
- HP: Home Products Development
- IC: Internship Center
- ID: Interior Design
- IL: Illustration
- IN: International Trade and Marketing
- IS: Interdivisional Studies
- IT: Italian
- JA: Japanese
- JD: Jewelry Design
- LD: Accessories Design
- MA: Mathematics
- MC: Modern Languages and Cultures
- MG: Production Management: Fashion and Related Industries
- MK: Marketing: Fashion and Related Industries
- ML: Millinery
- MP: Museum Professions
- MU:Music
- MW: Menswear
- PE: Physical Education and Dance
- PH: Photography
- PK: Packaging Design
- PL: Philosophy
- PM: Patternmaking
- PO: Portuguese
- SC: Science
- SP: Spanish
- SS: Social Sciences
- TC: Technical Design
- TD: Textile Design
- TL: Ladies Tailoring (See also AF, AP, AR, DP, FD, FF)
- TS: Textile Science (See also TT)
- TT: Textile Technology (See also TS)
- TY: Toy Design
- VP: Spatial Experience Design