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EN 141 — Fundamentals of Communication
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
This course examines principles associated with the field of human communication, focusing on its use of symbols and signs. Additionally, students gain exposure to research within the communication studies discipline, including public speaking, rhetoric, interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, small group, and conflict management. Both theoretical concepts and practical applications are addressed.
Fashion Business Management/Florence and New York BS Degree Program
...243 , EN 244 , EN 245 , EN 306 or EN 342 Economics: 9 credits. EC 141...
Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing BS Degree Program
...credits. EC 141 * EC 242 EC 345 English: 12 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121...
Entrepreneurship for the Fashion and Design Industries BS Degree Program
...EN 241 , EN 242 , EN 244 , or EN...Economics: 9 credits. EC 141 * EC 242 CHOICE...
Direct and Interactive Marketing BS Degree Program
...6 credits. EC 141 * EC 242 English: 15 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121 transferred...
Home Products Development BS Degree Program
...6 credits. EC 141 * EC 242 English: 12 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121 transferred...
Fashion Business Management BS Degree Program
...300-level EN literature or speech course* EN 321 Economics: 9 credits. EC 141 * EC...
International Trade and Marketing for the Fashion Industries BS Degree Program
...9 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121 transferred...Economics: 9 credits EC 141 * EC 242 CHOICE...
Textile Development and Marketing BS Degree Program
...credits. EC 141 * EC 242 EC 443 English: 9 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121...
Production Management: Fashion and Related Industries BS Degree Program
...9 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121 transferred...Sciences: 9 credits. EC 141 * PY 237 * EC...
Textile Development and Marketing AAS Degree Program
...EN 241 , EN 242 , EN 244 , or EN...Three (3) credits EC 141 meets SUNY GE...
NEW General Education Requirements and Courses
...COMO, with the exception of EN 141 , EN 241 , and EN 274 which only meet...
Jewelry Design - AAS Degree Program
...FA 141 , LD 471 , PH 201 , TD 141...1.5 GENERAL EDUCATION EN 131 - English Composition...
Fashion Business Management AAS Degree Program
...of AC 111 , AC 141 , AC 171 , Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY...
Footwear and Accessories Design AAS Degree Program
...111 , AC 114 , AC 141 , AR 115 , Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY...
Advertising and Marketing Communications AAS Degree Program Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY...Nine (9) credits EC 141 , PY 131 , and...
Communication Design Foundation AAS Degree Program
...123 , FA 103 , FA 141 , FA 171 , Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY...
Production Management: Fashion and Related Industries AAS Degree Program
...credits: Three (3) credits EN 131 meets Social Sciences EC 141 and PY 237...
Textile/Surface Design AAS Degree Program
...Studio Practices 3 TD 141 - Nature Studies Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY...