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AC 141 — Introduction to Journalism
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
Students practice the techniques of newsgathering, newswriting, and developing news judgment. News stories, features, editorials, and broadcast writing are covered in discussions and workshops. Skills in copyediting and headline writing are built through student newspaper and off-campus assignments.
Prerequisite(s): EN 131 or equivalent.
Advertising and Marketing Communications AAS Degree Program
School of Business and Technology Applications accepted for fall and spring. NYSED: 00830 CIP: 09.0903 The major in Advertising and Marketing Communications offers students the fundamental knowledge and skills needed in the marketing communication disciplines, such as advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, and publicity/public relations. It also enables students to advance to the BS program to prepare for career opportunities in strategic planning, media buying, and brand management. Curriculum below is for the entering class of fall 2025.
Fashion Business Management AAS Degree Program
...5-3 credits CHOICE of AC 111 , AC 141 , AC 171 , AR 101 , AR 115...
Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing BS Degree Program entering the program: AC 161 or MG 153 and EC 141 . * Credits from AAS...
Entrepreneurship for the Fashion and Design Industries BS Degree Program entering the program: AC 111 , MG 153 , and EC 141 . * Credits from AAS will...
Footwear and Accessories Design One-Year AAS Degree Program
...of one of the following: AC 111 , AC 114 , AC 141 , AR 115 , CD 113...
Fashion Business Management One-Year AAS Degree Program
...CHOICE of one (1) course: AC 111 , AC 141 , AC 171 , AR 101 , AR 115...
Footwear and Accessories Design AAS Degree Program
...been met) totaling 4 credits: AC 111 , AC 114 , AC 141 , AR 115 , CD 113...
Direct and Interactive Marketing BS Degree Program
...prior to entering the program: AC 114 and EC 141 . * Credits from AAS will apply...
Home Products Development BS Degree Program
...Advertising and Marketing Communications (AC) , Communication Design Foundation...Economics: 6 credits. EC 141 * EC 242 English...
Production Management: Fashion and Related Industries AAS Degree Program
...6 credits. CHOICE of AC 111 , or Social Sciences EC 141 and PY 237...
Textile Development and Marketing AAS Degree Program
...Elective(s): CHOICE of AC 221 , AR 115...Three (3) credits EC 141 meets SUNY GE...
Textile/Surface Design AAS Degree Program
...Studio Practices 3 TD 141 - Nature Studies 1...Design ( ID ), Marketing Communications ( AC ), Photography and Related...