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MA 322 — Statistics, Machine Learning, and Data Mining
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
This is an introduction to statistical techniques for machine learning and data mining. It emphasizes mathematical methods and computer applications related to automated learning for prediction, classification, knowledge discovery, and forecasting in modern data science. An appropriate programming language such as R or python will be used.
Prerequisite(s): MA 222 and mathematic proficiency (see beginning of Mathematics section).
Entrepreneurship for the Fashion and Design Industries BS Degree Program
...MA 222 * MA 311 or MA 331 or MA 332 MA 321 or MA 322...
Fashion Business Management BS Degree Program
...MA 222 * CHOICE of MA 321 or MA 322 CHOICE of MA 300 or MA...
Fashion Business Management/Florence and New York BS Degree Program
...MA 222 * CHOICE of MA 321 or MA 322 CHOICE of MA 300 or MA...
Advertising and Marketing Communications BS Degree Program
...6 credits. MA 321 and choice of MA 300 , MA 311 or MA 322 . Mathematics...
Home Products Development BS Degree Program
...any MA that meets SUNY G2* CHOICE of MA 311 , MA 321 or MA 322...
Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing BS Degree Program
...Mathematics: 9 credits. MA 222 * MA 311 MA 321 or MA 322 Natural Science: 6...
Fashion Design–Intimate Apparel
...2.5 FF 322 - 20th Century Style...MU (Music); HI (History); MA (Math); MC (Modern...
Fashion Design–Knitwear
...2.5 FF 322 - 20th Century Style...MU (Music); HI (History); MA (Math); MC (Modern...
Fashion Design–Special Occasion
...2.5 FF 322 - 20th Century Style...MU (Music); HI (History); MA (Math); MC (Modern...
Fashion Design–Sportswear
...2.5 FF 322 - 20th Century Style...MU (Music); HI (History); MA (Math); MC (Modern...
Film and Media BS Degree Program
...credits. CHOICE of any MA that meets SUNY...319 , FI 320 , FI 322 , FI 323 , FI...
Fabric Styling BFA Degree Program
...HA 322 , HA 342 , HA 344 , HA 346 Mathematics: 3 credits. CHOICE of any MA...
Fashion Design–Children’s Wear
...MU (Music); HI (History); MA (Math); MC (Modern...132 , CT 305 , CT 322 , DE 143 , EP...
Fashion Design/Milan
...Milan) 2.5 FF 322 - 20th Century Style...credits. CHOICE of any MA that meets SUNY...
Packaging Design BFA Degree Program
...of EN 266 , EN 322 , EN 325 , EN...credits. CHOICE of any MA that meets SUNY...
Photography and Related Media BFA Degree Program
...Speech: 3 credits. EN 322 Liberal Arts Elective...JA (Japanese); HI (History); MA (Math); MC (Modern...
Production Management: Fashion and Related Industries AAS Degree Program
...203 , FM 303 , FM 322 , IC 297 , TT...course Three (3) credits MA 222 meets SUNY...