- Academic Advisement Center
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Minors
- Academic Programs
- AC: Advertising and Marketing Communications
- Accessories
- Accessories Design AAS Degree Program
- Accessories Design BFA Degree Program
- Accessories Design One-Year AAS Degree Program
- Activities
- Activities
- AD: Advertising Design
- Admissions
- Admissions
- Admissions Criteria for Upper Division Art and Design Bachelor programs
- Advertising and Marketing Communications AAS Degree Program
- Advertising and Marketing Communications BS Degree Program
- Advertising and Marketing Communications One-Year AAS Degree Program
- Advertising Design BFA Degree Program
- AF: Fashion Design (See also AP, AR, DP, FD, FF, TL)
- Alumni of FIT
- Alumni of FIT
- AM: AM-Art Market (MA)
- AP: Fashion Design-Apparel (See also AF, AR, DP, FD, FF, TL)
- AR: Fashion Design-Art (See also AF, AP, DP, FD, FF, TL)
- Art History and Museum Professions BS Degree Program
- Art Market
- Baccalaureate Degree Programs
- BE: Business Enterprise
- BL: Business Law
- BT: Business and Technology Studies
- Campus and Facilities
- Campus and Facilities
- Career and Internship Center
- CD: Communication Design Foundation
- Center for Continuing and Professional Studies
- CF: CF-Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing and Management (MPS)
- CG: Computer Graphics
- CH: Chinese
- CL: Fashion and Culture of the World
- CM: Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing
- Communication Design Foundation AAS Degree Program
- Communication Design Foundation One-Year AAS Degree Program
- Computer Animation and Interactive Media BFA Degree Program
- Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing and Management
- Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing BS Degree Program
- Courses
- Courses and Departments
- CT: Creative Technology
- Curricula Overview
- DD: Design Division Studies
- Dean’s List
- Degree Programs
- DE: Visual Presentation and Exhibition Design
- Direct and Interactive Marketing BS Degree Program
- Directories
- Directories and Location
- DM: Direct and Interactive Marketing
- DP: Draping Techniques
- ED: ED-Exhibition Design (MA)
- EN: English and Communication Studies
- Enrollment Management and Student Success
- Enrollment Management and Student Success
- Enrollment Management and Student Success
- Entrepreneurship for the Fashion and Design Industries BS Degree Program
- EP: Entrepreneurship
- ES: Educational Skills
- Exhibition Design
- Expenses and Financial Aid
- Expenses and Financial Assistance
- Fabric Styling BFA Degree Program
- Faculty
- Faculty
- FA: Fine Arts
- Fashion and Textile Studies: History, Theory, Museum Practice
- Fashion Business Management AAS Degree Program
- Fashion Business Management BS Degree Program
- Fashion Business Management/Florence and New York BS Degree Program
- Fashion Business Management One-Year AAS Degree Program
- Fashion Design AAS Degree Program
- Fashion Design AAS Degree Program Evening/Weekend Sequence
- Fashion Design - Children’s Wear
- Fashion Design/Evening-Weekend Sequence
- Fashion Design/Florence and New York AAS Degree Program
- Fashion Design - Intimate Apparel
- Fashion Design - Knitwear
- Fashion Design/Milan – Knitwear
- Fashion Design/Milan - Sportswear
- Fashion Design One-Year AAS Degree Program
- Fashion Design - Special Occasion
- Fashion Design - Sportswear
- Fashion Institute of Technology
- Fashion Institute of Technology
- Fashion Institute of Technology
- FD: Fashion Design-Apparel (See also AF, AP, AR, DP, FF, TL)
- FF: Fashion Design-Art (See also AF, AP, AR, DP, FD, TL)
- FI: Film and Media
- Film and Media AAS Degree Program
- Film and Media BS Degree Program
- Financial Aid Services
- Financial Assistance
- Fine Arts AAS Degree Program
- Fine Arts BFA Degree Program
- FIT and New York City
- FIT's General Education Requirements and Courses
- FM: Fashion Business Management
- FR: French
- FS: Fabric Styling
- FT: FT-Fashion and Textile Studies: History, Theory, Museum Practice (MA)
- GD: Graphic Design
- GF: GF-Global Fashion Management (MPS)
- Global Fashion Management
- Governance
- Governance
- Graduate Catalog
- Graphic Design BFA Degree Program
- HA: History of Art and Civilization
- HD: Human Development
- HE: Health Education
- HI: History
- History and Mission
- Home Products Development BS Degree Program
- HP: Home Products Development
- IC: IC - Internship Center (MA)
- IC: Internship Center
- ID: Interior Design
- IL: Illustration
- Illustration
- Illustration AAS Degree Program
- Illustration BFA Degree Program
- Illustration - General Illustration Option AAS Degree Program
- IN: International Trade and Marketing
- Instructional Programs
- Interior Design AAS Degree Program
- Interior Design BFA Degree Program
- International Applicants
- International Programs
- International Students
- International Trade and Marketing for the Fashion Industries BS Degree Program
- IS: Interdivisional Studies
- IT: Italian
- JA: Japanese
- JD: Jewelry Design
- Jewelry Design - AAS Degree Program
- Jewelry Design - Jewelry Studio Option AAS Degree Program
- Jewelry Design One-Year AAS Degree Program
- MA: Mathematics
- Master of Arts
- Master of Fine Arts
- Master of Professional Studies
- MC: Modern Languages & Cultures
- MD: Math Independent Learning
- Menswear AAS Degree Program
- MG: Production Management: Fashion and Related Industries
- MI: MI-Illustration (MFA)
- MK: Marketing: Fashion and Related Industries
- ML: Millinery
- MU:Music
- MW: Menswear
- New York City Department of Education
- New York City Officials
- New York State and City
- New York State Officials
- Notification
- Notification
- Packaging Design BFA Degree Program
- Past Catalogs
- PE: Physical Education and Dance
- Photography and Related Media AAS Degree Program
- Photography and the Digital Image BFA Degree Program
- PH: Photography
- PK: Packaging Design
- PL: Philosophy
- PM: Patternmaking
- PO: Portuguese
- Production Management: Fashion and Related Industries AAS Degree Program
- Production Management: Fashion and Related Industries BS Degree Program
- Scholastic Standing
- Scholastic Standing
- School of Graduate Studies
- SC: Science
- SD: Surface Design (See also TD)
- Selection of Applicants
- Selection of Applicants for Associate Degree Programs
- Selection of Applicants for Baccalaureate Degree Programs
- SE: SE-Sustainable Interior Environments (MA)
- Special Assistance
- SP: Spanish
- SS: Social Sciences
- State University of New York
- State University of New York
- State University of New York Administration
- State University of New York Board of Trustees
- State University of New York Colleges and Centers
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Student Services
- Sustainable Interior Environments
- TC: Technical Design
- TD: Textile Design (See also SD)
- Teaching and Learning
- Teaching and Learning
- Technical Design BS Degree Program
- Textile Development and Marketing AAS Degree Program
- Textile Development and Marketing BS Degree Program
- Textile Development and Marketing One-Year AAS Degree Program
- Textile/Surface Design AAS Degree Program
- Textile/Surface Design BFA Degree Program
- Textile/Surface Design One-Year AAS Degree Program
- The College
- The College
- The FIT Foundation
- TL: Ladies Tailoring (See also AF, AP, AR, DP, FD, FF)
- Toy Design BFA Degree Program
- TS: Textile Science (See also TT)
- TT: Textile Technology (See also TS)
- Tuition and Fee Refunds
- Tuition and Fee Refunds
- Tuition and Fees
- Tuition and Fees
- Two-Year Associate Degree Programs
- TY: Toy Design
- Veterans and Selective Service
- Visiting Students
- Visits to the College
- Visits to the College
- Visual Presentation and Exhibition Design AAS Degree Program
- Visual Presentation and Exhibition Design BFA Degree Program
- VP: Visual Presentation and Exhibition Design