This is an archived copy of the 2016-17 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

HE 101 — Health Education

1 credit; 1 lecture hour

Stresses the holistic approach to health and focuses on the theory of wellness as a preventive measure against illness. Provides a forum for examining such health issues as nutrition, exercise, relationships, sexuality, substance abuse, and death and dying, among other topics.

HE 102 — Stress Management

1 credit; 2 lecture hours

Identifies how stress affects the mind, body, and spirit. Students learn skills to reduce stress and cope with unavoidable stress in their personal and professional lives.

HE 201 — Human Sexuality

3 credits; 3 lecture hours

Examines human sexuality through the life cycle from cultural, physiological, and theoretical perspectives. Students gain insight into their own beliefs and sexual behavior and learn to develop an understanding of the similarities and differences in sexual attitudes and the behavior of others.

HE 301 — Motor Learning: A Developmental Approach

3 credits; 3 lecture hours

The major theories and principles influencing motor skills are presented. The role and effectiveness of developmentally appropriate toys and equipment are assessed.
Prerequisite(s): SS 232.