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TS 111 — Fundamentals of Textiles

3 credits; 2 lecture and 2 lab hours

General study of textile materials with an emphasis on the factors that produce successful fabrics in the marketplace, including fibers, yarns, construction, color, and finish. Characteristics of a wide range of market fabrics are examined.

Technical Design BS Degree Program

...prior to program entry: TS 111 Fundamentals of Textiles OR TS 110 Product Elements and...

Menswear AAS Degree Program

...Menswear Design Studio - Construction 2 RELATED AREA TS 111 - Fundamentals of Textiles 3 GENERAL EDUCATION...

Fashion Design AAS Degree Program

...111 - Visual Design Concepts I 2 FF 143 - Digital Design Studio 3 RELATED AREA TS...

Textile/Surface Design AAS Degree Program

...141 - Nature Studies 1.5 RELATED AREA TS 111 - Fundamentals of Textiles 3 GENERAL EDUCATION...