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JD 261 — Changes and Trends in Jewelry Design

2 credits; 2 lecture hours

Study of the symbolic meaning as well as the economic rationale for jewelry in modern society. Students are made aware of stylistic differences, the reasons for them, and how styles are influenced by social and political events.

Jewelry Design - AAS Degree Program School of Art and Design Applications accepted for fall only.    NYSED: 00831     CIP:  50.0713       The major in Jewelry Design integrates design ideation and development with traditional jewelry fabrication skills and processes. Students learn 2D graphic design applications for design creation and manipulation, 3D engineering applications for design verification, CAD modeling, gemology, and industry business practices. Students are prepared for positions as designers, artisans, or self-employed jewelers. Curriculum below is for the entering class of fall 2025. Semester 1 Credits MAJOR AREA JD 139 - Jewelry Design & Ideation I 2.5 JD 142 - Introduction to Gemology and Gem Identification 3 JD 174 - Jewelry Fabrications I 2.5 RELATED AREA Related Area: choice 1.5 GENERAL EDUCATION EN 131 - English Composition and Rhetoric 3 SC 111 - Introduction to the Physical Sciences 3 Semester 2 MAJOR AREA JD 161 - Changes, Trends & Appraisals 2 JD 238 - Jewelry Design and Ideation II 2.5 JD 272 - Studio Fabrications II 2.5 RELATED AREA Related Area: choice 1.5 ART HISTORY choice - see Requirements 3 GENERAL EDUCATION choice: see Requirements 3 Semester 3 MAJOR AREA JD 240 - Jewelry Design Development 3 JD 271 - Alternative/Sustainable Materials for Jewelry 2.5 JD 273 - Studio Fabrication III: Advanced Manufacturing Techniques for Fine Jewelry 2.5 ELECTIVE(S) choice - General Elective(s) 2 ART HISTORY choice - see Requirements 3 GENERAL EDUCATION choice - see Requirements 3 Semester 4 MAJOR AREA JD 239 - Design Capstone Portfolio 2.5 JD 267 - Jewelry Seminar/Best Business Practices 2.5 JD 274 - Fabrication Capstone Portfolio 2.5 RELATED AREA Related Area: choice 1.5 GENERAL EDUCATION choice - see Requirements 6 TOTAL CREDIT REQUIREMENTS GENERAL EDUCATION 18 ART HISTORY 6 ELECTIVE(S) 2 MAJOR AREA 30.5 RELATED AREA 4.5   Total Credits: 61  

Illustration BFA Degree Program

...FX 261 ; Fine Arts ( FA ); Graphic Design ( GD ); Interior Design ( ID ); Jewelry Design ( JD ); Menswear...

Illustration AAS Degree Program

...FX 261 ; Fine Arts ( FA ); Graphic Design ( GD ); Interior Design ( ID ); Jewelry Design ( JD ); Menswear...

Photography and Related Media AAS Degree Program

...Fashion Design ( FD ), FX 261 , Fine Arts ( FA...Design ( ID ), Jewelry Design ( JD ), Marketing Communications ( AC...