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EN 253 — Dramatic Literature
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
Surveys dramatic literature and the development of theatrical performance. Focuses on the evolution of the use of theatrical space in the history of theater. Students read representative plays and documents of Greek, Roman, medieval, Elizabethan, Restoration, and 19th- and 20th-century drama.
Prerequisite(s): EN 131 or equivalent.
Textile Development and Marketing BS Degree Program
...9 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121 transferred...meets SUNY G3* SC 253 Social Sciences: 3...
Advertising and Marketing Communications AAS Degree Program Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY...032 / SC 332 , SC 253 , or SC 326...
Interior Design AAS Degree Program Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY...Three (3) credits SC 253 meets SUNY GE...