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TD 206 — Advanced Home Textiles

2 credits; 4 lab hours

In this advanced course design for bedding will be discussed with an emphasis on producing industry standard CAD files from hand painted artwork using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Through research and personal design inspiration, students will create bedding collections. The technical aspects of working with large-scale layouts in CAD, repeat sizes, engineered prints, and technical sketches and tech packs will be explored to help students integrate CAD industry standard practices using hand painted designs into their workflow.
Prerequisite(s): TD 114 and TD 155 or TD 251.

Textile/Surface Design AAS Degree Program School of Art and Design Applications accepted for fall only.      NYSED: 00833      CIP:  50.0402 The Textile/Surface Design AAS program prepares students for careers in the textiles, fashion, home furnishings, and related industries as textile designers, colorists, and freelance entrepreneurs. The curriculum focuses on the creative design process, product development, and technical, and digital skills for woven and printed fabrics, and decorative home products. Curriculum below is for the entering class of fall 2025. Semester 1 Credits MAJOR AREA TD 116 - Color Principles and Practices 2 TD 126 - Textile Design Studio Practices 3 TD 141 - Nature Studies 1.5 RELATED AREA TS 111 - Fundamentals of Textiles 3 GENERAL EDUCATION HA 119 - World Textiles: History and Culture 3 choice - see Requirements 3 Semester 2 MAJOR AREA TD 114 - Computer Aided Print Design 3 TD 138 - Introduction to Woven Design 2.5 TD 251 - Techniques for Decorative Fabrics and Surfaces 3 GENERAL EDUCATION choice - see Requirements 3 choice - see Requirements 3 Semester 3 MAJOR AREA TD 161 - Fundamentals of Screen Printing 2 TD 207 - Adobe Illustrator for Textile/Surface Design 2 TD 238 - Woven Design and CAD 3 ELECTIVE choice - see Major/Related Area Electives 3 GENERAL EDUCATION choice - see Requirements 6 Semester 4 MAJOR AREA TD 206 - Advanced Home Textiles 2 TD 230 - Textile Design Studio: Portfolio and Industry 3 TD 262 - Advanced Screen Printing 3 ELECTIVE choice - General Elective 1.5 GENERAL EDUCATION choice - see Requirements 3 choice - see Requirements 3 TOTAL CREDIT REQUIREMENTS GENERAL EDUCATION 24 MAJOR AREA 30 RELATED AREA 3 ELECTIVE 4.5   Total Credits: 61.5 Fall 2025 Requirements:  See below. Major/Related Area Elective(s): 3 credits minimum (1-2 courses).  BE 261 ,  CD 123 ,  CG 121 ,  CG 214 ,  CG 212 ,  EP 311 ,  FA 171 ,  PH 118 ,  TD 101 ,  TD 103 ,  TD 157 ,  TD 183 , TD 204 ,  TD 227   or  any available course in Accessories Design ( LD ), Advertising  Design ( AD ), Fabric Styling ( FS ), Fashion Design ( FD ), Fine Arts ( FA ), Graphic Design ( GD ), Home Products Development ( HP ), Illustration ( IL ), Interior Design ( ID ), Marketing Communications ( AC ), Photography and Related Media ( PH ), and, Textile Development and Marketing ( TT ) (  or  any course in the Creative Technology minor or any business or art course in the Ethics and Sustainability minor. FIT's Liberal Arts Requirements for Associate Degree Programs: 24 credits total Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY GE: Communication-Written (COMW) and Communication-Oral (COMO) Three (3) credits of any 200- or 300-level English literature or speech course Three (3) credits SUNY GE: Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) (MATH) Three (3) credits SUNY GE: Natural Science (and Scientific Reasoning) (NSCI)  Three (3) credits SUNY GE: Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice (DVRS)  excluding History of Art (HA) courses. Three (3) credits HA 119 Three (3) credits any History of Art course Three (3) credits from SUNY General Education courses in any of the following areas excluding History of Art (HA) courses. SUNY GE: The Arts (ARTS) SUNY GE: World History and Global Awareness (GLBL) SUNY GE: Humanities (HUMN) SUNY GE: Social Science (SOCS) ​SUNY GE: US History and Civic Engagement (USCV) SUNY GE: World Languages (WLNG) See list of Gen Ed approved courses under   NEW FIT's General Education Requirements and Courses . An FIT Gen Ed course cannot be used to meet more than one General Education area. Upper Division Alternative(s): Graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to the Bachelor of Fine Arts programs in  Fabric Styling  and  Textile/Surface Design , and the Bachelor of Science program in  Textile Development and Marketing .

Home Products Development BS Degree Program

...Speaking 3 PY 206 - Psychology of Consumer...Management (MG) , Textile Design (TD) , Textile Science (TS...