Search Results
Film and Media BS Degree Program
...Sociology); SP (Spanish); and SS (Social Sciences). See...241 , FI 243 , FI 244 , FI 245 , FI...
Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing BS Degree Program
...241 , EN 242 , EN 244 , EN 245 Foreign...Sociology); SP (Spanish); and SS (Social Sciences). See...
Direct and Interactive Marketing BS Degree Program
...241 , EN 242 , EN 244 , EN 245 , or...Sociology); SP (Spanish); and SS (Social Sciences). NOTE...
Entrepreneurship for the Fashion and Design Industries BS Degree Program
...241 , EN 242 , EN 244 , or EN 342...Sociology); SP (Spanish); and SS (Social Sciences). See...
Fashion Business Management/Florence and New York BS Degree Program
...242 , EN 243 , EN 244 , EN 245 , EN...Sociology); SP (Spanish); and SS (Social Sciences). See...
International Trade and Marketing for the Fashion Industries BS Degree Program
...200 , EC 201 , EC 244 , EC 339 , EC...Sociology); SP (Spanish); and SS (Social Sciences). See...