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MW 131 — Menswear Flat Pattern Design I
3 credits; 6 lab hours
Basic principles of drafting patterns on paper and testing them in muslin on three-dimensional forms for men's shirts and pants. Using basic construction techniques, students develop original garment designs in harmony with current trends and design-room practices. Special machine methods and the technical aspects of decorative seam finish and detail are studied.
Co-requisite(s): MW 145.
Menswear AAS Degree Program School of Art and Design Applications accepted for fall only. NYSED: 00762 CIP: 50.0407 The program is designed to enable students to evolve successfully as menswear apparel design leaders and brand builders through the creative application of design knowledge acquired using experiential learning. The program is progressive and leads to the development of the student's own aesthetics. Successful students will be able to adapt and apply their acquired knowledge to the evolving fashion industry, related design fields, and other creative careers not yet imagined. Curriculum below is for the entering class of fall 2025. Semester 1 Credits MAJOR AREA MW 121 - Menswear Design Studio Art I 2.5 MW 131 - Menswear Flat Pattern Design I 3 MW 145 - Menswear Design Studio – Construction 2 RELATED AREA TS 111 - Fundamentals of Textiles 3 GENERAL EDUCATION EN 131 - English Composition and Rhetoric 3 choice - see Requirements 3 Semester 2 MAJOR AREA MW 103 - Menswear Jacket Tailoring 2 MW 122 - Menswear Design Studio Art II 2.5 MW 134 - Menswear Flat Pattern Design II 2 RELATED AREA FA 105 - Life Drawing or IL 103 - Illustrating the Male Figure 1.5 ART HISTORY choice - see Requirements 3 GENERAL EDUCATION choice - see Requirements 3 Semester 3 MAJOR AREA MW 222 - Menswear Design Studio Art III 3 MW 234 - Menswear Flat Pattern Design III 4 MW 262 - Presentation/Portfolio 2 RELATED AREA FM 116 - Fashion Business Practices or TS 116 - Knit Design Principles and Technology 2-3 ART HISTORY HA 215 - History of Menswear in Europe and North America 3 GENERAL EDUCATION choice - see Requirements 3 Semester 4 MAJOR AREA MW 223 - Menswear Design Studio Art – Digital 2 MW 256 - Advanced Menswear Design IV 5 IC 297 - AAS Internship C: Career Exploration 3 ELECTIVE choice - General Elective 1.5 GENERAL EDUCATION choice - see Requirements 6 TOTAL CREDIT REQUIREMENTS GENERAL EDUCATION 18 ART HISTORY 6 MAJOR AREA 33 RELATED AREA 6.5-7.5 ELECTIVE 1.5 Total Credits: 65-66
Illustration BFA Degree Program
...Jewelry Design ( JD ); Menswear ( MW ); Packaging Design ( PK...English: 6 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121...
Illustration AAS Degree Program
...Jewelry Design ( JD ); Menswear ( MW ); Packaging Design ( PK...Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY GE...
Photography and Related Media AAS Degree Program
...Marketing Communications ( AC ), Menswear ( MW ), Packaging Design ( PK...Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY GE...