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Entrepreneurship for the Fashion and Design Industries BS Degree Program
...FM 329 , FM 431 , IN 312 , IN 313 , IN 322 or IN 342 NOTE: Students...
Fabric Styling BFA Degree Program stylists for positions in a number of...credits. CHOICE of SO 313 , PY 334 , SO...
VP 313 — Visual Presentation in In-Store Design
2 credits; 1 lecture and 2 lab hours
This course encompasses design for visual merchandising and the related area of point-of-purchase display. Store, fixture, and point-of-purchase design is applied to commercial environments.
Prerequisite(s): VP 311.
IN 313 — International Business Transactions
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
The management of international trade transactions is introduced, with emphasis on agency, distributorship, franchising agreements, import/export, and licensing. Students learn the theory and practice of conducting international negotiations and how to apply the self-regulatory standards used in international trade. The use of the internet and business-to-business e-commerce websites to transact international business is also examined.