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EN 203 — Your Digital Life: Online Literacies for a Networked World
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
Explores the intersection between the disciplines of the humanities and emerging digital technologies. Students will conceptualize and develop digital projects to promote their progress as digital scholars and critical thinkers, and situate their digital identity within a larger social context.
Prerequisite(s): EN 131 or equivalent.
Advertising and Marketing Communications BS Degree Program
...of EN 271 , EN 272 , EN 274 , or EN 335 , or HI 202 , HI 203...
Fashion Business Management/Florence and New York BS Degree Program
...of EN 241 , EN 242 , EN 243 , EN...program: FM 100 , FM 203 , FM 204 , FM...
Fashion Business Management BS Degree Program
...12 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121 transferred...program: FM 100 , FM 203 , FM 204 , FM...
Film and Media BS Degree Program
...not previously taken: EN 301 , FI 200 , FI 201 , FI 202 , FI 203 , FI 204...
Toy Design BFA Degree Program
...6 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121 transferred...Music) MU 202 , MU 203 , or MU 391...
Production Management: Fashion and Related Industries AAS Degree Program
...or FM 116 , FM 203 , FM 303 , FM...credits: Three (3) credits EN 131 meets SUNY...