This is an archived copy of the 2016-17 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

School of Art and Design

Applications accepted for fall only.     NYSED: 83464     HEGIS 1009  

The major in Illustration enables students to deepen their artistic talent as freelance illustrators and to prepare them for positions as illustrators, digital artists, graphic designers, art directors, animators, muralists, scenery painters, storyboard artists, advertising comp artists, and fashion sketchers. Curriculum below is for the entering class of Fall 2016. 

Semester 5Credits
MAJOR AREAIL 323 - Adobe Illustrator for the Illustrator2
IL 362 - The Illustrator's Heritage I3
IL 382 - The Illustrator's Visual Self-Expression3.5
IL 384 - Illustrating for Contemporary Media I: Concept and Character2
IL 388 - Materials and Techniques I: Mixed Media, Including Photography2
RELATED AREACD 351 - Creating an Illustration Portfolio for the Web2
LIBERAL ARTSchoice - see Liberal Arts/Art History*3
Semester 6
MAJOR AREAIL 324 - Digital Painting for the Illustrator1.5
IL 364 - The Illustrator's Heritage II3
IL 383 - Advanced Drawing and Composition: The Personal View3.5
IL 385 - Illustrating for Contemporary Media II: Images in Sequence2
IL 389 - Materials and Techniques II: Mixed Media, Including Photography2
RELATED AREACG 213 - 2D Computer Animation2
LIBERAL ARTSchoice - see Liberal Arts Electives*3
Semester 7
MAJOR AREAIL 374 - Book Illustration I1.5
IL 461 - Illustration Workshop3
IL 482 - Color Rendering in Advanced Media I2.5
IL 491 - Mentor/Specialization Projects I3
RELATED AREAPH 406 - Digital Special Effects and Photographic Retouching2
LIBERAL ARTSchoice - Liberal Arts/Art History*3
Semester 8
MAJOR AREAIL 375 - Book Illustration II1.5
IL 483 - Color Rendering in Advanced Media II1.5
IL 492 - Mentor/Specialization Projects II3
RELATED AREABE 402 - The Business of Illustration1
CD 222 - Digital Layout II2
LIBERAL ARTSchoice - see Liberal Arts Electives*6
ELECTIVE(S)choice - General Elective(s)1.5
 Total Credits: 66

Fall 2016 Requirements:  See below

* Liberal Arts: 15 credits

  • History of Art: 6 credits. CHOICE of one (1) HA course that meets General Education Other World Civilizations requirement (G9) and one (1) additional HA course.  See the full list of Art/Design History courses under HA: History of Art and Civilization   
  • Liberal Arts electives: 9 credits. Select Liberal Arts courses (for which prerequisites have been met) from the following subject areas:  CH (Chinese), EN (English), FI (Film and Media) - any FI course other than FI 261, 361, 461, 362, and 462, FR (French), HA (History of Art),  HE (Health Education) 201, 301, IT (Italian), JA (Japanese), MU (Music), HI (History), MA (Mathematics), LA (Liberal Arts), MC (Modern Languages and Cultures), PE (Physical Education and Dance) 215, 216, 217, PL (Philosophy), SC (Science), SP (Spanish), and SS (Social Sciences). See Liberal Arts Courses