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SC 204 — Designing with Emerging Materials (Interdisciplinary)
3 credits; 2 lecture and 2 lab hours
This is an interdisciplinary course cross-listed with TD 204. An introduction to basic skills and knowledge in science and textile design, enabling design innovation. An exploration of textile concepts and integration of the handmade with emerging materials and technologies. Design-led experimental research with biomaterials, biopigments, nanomaterials, and other advanced materials used to envision and prototype sustainable solutions to real world challenges.
Prerequisite(s): mathematic proficiency (see beginning of Science section).
Film and Media BS Degree Program
...credits. CHOICE of any SC that meets SUNY...202 , FI 203 , FI 204 , FI 205 , FI...
Fashion Business Management BS Degree Program
...credits. CHOICE of any SC that meets SUNY...100 , FM 203 , FM 204 , FM 206 , TS...
Fashion Business Management/Florence and New York BS Degree Program
...Science. CHOICE of any SC that meets SUNY...100 , FM 203 , FM 204 , FM 206 , MA...