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SC 203 — Disease Ecology in a Changing World
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
Students learn ecology and evolution through the lens of infectious diseases, which are of increasing urgency in the modern world, and central to many current and historical social and political topics. Through lectures, readings, labs, guest speakers and creative projects, students learn about what causes disease, how diseases emerge and spread, how humans respond to disease with medicine and technology, and how anthropogenic changes to our environment are impacting the risk and spread of disease.
Prerequisite(s): mathematic proficiency (see beginning of Science section).
Fashion Business Management BS Degree Program
...credits. CHOICE of any SC that meets SUNY...program: FM 100 , FM 203 , FM 204 , FM...
Film and Media BS Degree Program
...credits. CHOICE of any SC that meets SUNY...201 , FI 202 , FI 203 , FI 204 , FI...
Fashion Business Management/Florence and New York BS Degree Program
...Science. CHOICE of any SC that meets SUNY...program: FM 100 , FM 203 , FM 204 , FM...
Toy Design BFA Degree Program
...credits. CHOICE of any SC that meets SUNY...Music) MU 202 , MU 203 , or MU 391...
Advertising and Marketing Communications BS Degree Program
...or HI 202 , HI 203 , HI 391 , HI...PL (Philosophy); PO (Portuguese); SC (Science); SP (Spanish...