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MA 213 — Quantitative Methods
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
Explores the mathematical model-building process in the settings provided by linear programming and probability. Includes simplex methods for solving linear programs; duality; matrix algebra; probability models based on equally likely outcomes, independent events, and conditional probability; applications, particularly to business and economics; and elementary math of finance. (G2: Mathematics)
Prerequisite(s): mathematics proficiency (see beginning of Mathematics section).
Fashion Business Management/Florence and New York BS Degree Program
...MA 222 * CHOICE of MA 321 or MA...Context or IT 213 - Italian III 3...
Animation, Interactive Media & Game Design BFA Degree Program
...credits. CHOICE of any MA that meets SUNY...CG 272 or CG 213 , CG 273 or...
Mathematics Minor
...may be used for the minor. **MA 213 and MA 311 cannot both be used...
Fashion Business Management AAS Degree Program
...144 , FM 201 , FM 213 , FM 222 , FM...course Three (3) credits MA 222 SUNY GE...