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HI 206 — Pasts in the Present: Modern Chinese History since 1800
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
This course introduces students to modern Chinese history as well as ways through which one can examine and understand the historical roots of current affairs in and related to China. Two major themes are: changes and continuity in modern China, and China in the world. (G9: Other World Civilizations).
Home Products Development BS Degree Program
...Speaking 3 PY 206 - Psychology of Consumer...IT (Italian); JA (Japanese); HI (History); MA (Math...
Fashion Business Management BS Degree Program
...IT (Italian); JA (Japanese); HI (History); MA (Math...203 , FM 204 , FM 206 , TS 111 , MA...
Film and Media BS Degree Program
...IT (Italian); JA (Japanese); HI (History); MA (Math...Cinemas: FI 200 , FI 206 , FI 211 , FI...
Fashion Business Management/Florence and New York BS Degree Program
...IT (Italian); JA (Japanese); HI (History); MA (Math...203 , FM 204 , FM 206 , MA 222 , EC...