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HA 383 — Art of the Silk Road: Cross-Cultural Encounters (Honors)

3 credits; 3 lecture hours

The Silk Road was the world's first great superhighway, linking from ancient China and Japan to the Mediterranean world across central Asia. In this course, students view ancient and medieval art of Eurasia in a new way, from the ancient to early modern periods.
Prerequisite(s): HA 111 or HA 112 or HA 115 or HA 117 or HA 121 or HA 225 or HA 226 or HA 229, or HA 271 and qualification for the Presidential Scholars Program, or 3.5 GPA and permission of Dean of Liberal Arts.

Fashion Design–Intimate Apparel

...MAJOR AREA FD 383 - Haute Couture Embellishments...CHOICE of one (1) HA course that meets...

Fashion Design–Special Occasion

...MAJOR AREA FD 383 - Haute Couture Embellishments...CHOICE of one (1) HA course that meets...