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FF 211 — Visual Design Concepts III
2 credits; 4 lab hours
Students prepare for their fourth-semester design collections by exploring the roles of research, design development, and editing in the fashion design process. Emphasis is placed on the application of design development to a variety of design groups in order to expand the students' knowledge of key fashion categories, markets, and price points.
Prerequisite(s): FF 161.
Fashion Design AAS Degree Program
...Design Studio - Patternmaking 3 FF 211 - Visual Design Concepts III 2 FF 245 - Digital Design...
Fashion Design/Florence and New York AAS Degree Program
...Design Studio - Patternmaking 3 FF 211 - Visual Design Concepts III 2 FF 245 - Digital Design...
Haute Couture (HEGIS 5012)
...111 or FD 131 or TL 111 , FF 211 , DP 212 or FD 112 , or...