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FD 461 — Tailoring Techniques
2 credits; 4 lab hours
This course enables students to elevate their basic sewing skills to an advanced level. Students learn to construct a jacket utilizing hand-tailored methods. Through lectures and demonstrations, students evaluate different levels of quality garments to better understand construction and costing.
Fashion Design–Knitwear
Create fashion collections that reflect creativity and innovation through the use of advanced techniques achieved through shape, color, silhouette, proportion and fabrication. Create original design collections for diverse fashion markets, demonstrating proficient artistic ability and utilizing advanced hand and digital rendering techniques. Independently select and apply appropriate, innovative technologies to conceptualize, create, produce and communicate fashion design and related concepts. Apply the knowledge of environmental, social, economic, and political impacts of climate change to design fashion using ethical and sustainable principles. Understand and apply advanced concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion in the fashion design development process that honor communities and people who have been marginalized and excluded from the dominant fashion discourse. Utilize information and communication technologies to research, evaluate, create, and communicate information as it relates to fashion design concepts at an advanced level.