Search Results
FA 141 — Drawing I
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
This course introduces drawing with an emphasis on developing perceptual skills. Line, value, placement, and perspective with still life and interiors as subjects are studied. Black-and-white materials are used.
Footwear and Accessories Design One-Year AAS Degree Program
...101 , FA 101 , FA 104 , FA 106 , FA...111 , AC 114 , AC 141 , AR 115 , CD...
Footwear and Accessories Design AAS Degree Program
...102 , FA 101 , FA 104 , FA 106 , FA...111 , AC 114 , AC 141 , AR 115 , CD...
Jewelry Design - AAS Degree Program
...214 , DE 101 , FA 104 , FA 107 , FA 114 , FA 116 , FA 141 , LD 471...
Communication Design Foundation AAS Degree Program
...following: AD 264 , CD 123 , FA 103 , FA 141 , FA 171 , GD 202 , PH 118...
Textile/Surface Design AAS Degree Program
...Studio Practices 3 TD 141 - Nature Studies 1...CG 212 , EP 311 , FA 171 , PH 118...