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EN 274 — Voices of Civil Rights in American History

3 credits; 3 lecture hours

An examination of the evolution of civil rights rhetoric in U.S. history. Students study civil rights speeches and texts to learn about political, social, and cultural events. Using traditional and contemporary rhetorical theory, civil rights movements and activism by Black/African Americans, women, and the LGBTQIA community are analyzed.
Prerequisite(s): EN 131 or equivalent.

Film and Media BS Degree Program

...6 credits. EN 131 * (or EN 121 transferred...245 , FI 246 , FI 274 , FI 341 , FI...

NEW General Education Requirements and Courses

...with the exception of EN 141 , EN 241 , and EN 274 which only meet COMO...

Jewelry Design - AAS Degree Program

...1.5 GENERAL EDUCATION EN 131 - English Composition...Practices 2.5 JD 274 - Fabrication Capstone Portfolio...