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DM 321 — Database Marketing
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
Students develop a database marketing plan and construct a functioning marketing database using Microsoft Access.
Prerequisite(s): DM 300.
Direct and Interactive Marketing BS Degree Program
School of Business and Technology Applications accepted for fall only. NYSED: 20809 CIP: 52.1402 Students in the major in Direct and Interactive Marketing study internet marketing, media planning, and direct marketing communications, and get hands-on experience that includes developing multifaceted campaigns for actual products. This program offers students the opportunity to prepare for entry-level management positions in the marketing departments in a wide variety of industries, including account executives, database marketers, media managers, and market researchers. Curriculum below is for the entering class of fall 2025.
Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing BS Degree Program
...Elective: 3 credits. IC 497 or AC 321 , DM 435 , EP 311 , EP 360 , EP...
Entrepreneurship for the Fashion and Design Industries BS Degree Program
...CHOICE of IC 497 or CT 360 , DM 321 , EP 360 , EP 361 , EP 362...