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CM 363 — Beauty Entrepreneurship
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
This course is cross-listed with EP 363 and is for CFM and EP major students or Creative Entrepreneurship minor students with approval of the entrepreneurship minor coordinator. This course provides a dynamic forum for students to identify new opportunities in the fragrance, cosmetics, and toiletries industries to create innovative business ideas and product concepts. Students will develop the skills and the materials necessary to launch ideas in the Beauty Entrepreneurship space turning them into viable new business ventures.
Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing BS Degree Program
Upon graduating from the Cosmetic & Fragrance Marketing BS program, students will be skilled in the following:
Entrepreneurship for the Fashion and Design Industries BS Degree Program
...360 , EP 361 , EP 362 , EP 363 / CM 363 , EP 364 , EP 365, EP 366...