This is an archived copy of the 2016-17 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

School of Art and Design  

Applications accepted for fall and spring.      NYSED: 00835      HEGIS 5012

The program is designed to enable students to evolve successfully as creative womenswear apparel design leaders and brand-builders through creative application of design knowledge acquired using experimental learning. The program is progressive and leads to the development of the student's own aesthetics. Successful students will be able to adapt and apply their acquired knowledge to the evolving fashion industry, related design fields, and other creative careers not yet imagined. Curriculum below is for the entering class of Fall 2016. 

Semester 1Credits
MAJOR AREAFD 117 - Design Studio I - Introduction to Draping2
FD 133 - Materials and Construction I2
FF 111 - Visual Design Concepts I2
GENERAL EDUCATIONEN 121 - English Composition (G1)3
Semester 1 Winterim
GENERAL EDUCATIONChoice - see Mathematics (G2)3
Semester 2
MAJOR AREAFD 134 - Materials and Construction II2
FD 127 - Design Studio II - Soft Draping3
FF 161 - Fashion Art Studio3
Semester 2 Summerim
GENERAL EDUCATIONChoice - see History of Art (G5)3
Semester 3
MAJOR AREAFD 243 - Apparel Design Studio - Patternmaking3
FF 143 - Digital Design Studio3
Semester 3 Winterim
GENERAL EDUCATIONChoice - see Science (G3)3
Semester 4
MAJOR AREAFD 217 - Design Studio III - Structured Draping3
FF 121 - Fashion Research and Inspiration2
Semester 4 Summerim
RELATED AREATS 131 - Textile Principles for the Fashion Designer3
FA 105 - Life Drawing **1.5
GENERAL EDUCATIONChoice - see Social Science (G4)3
Semester 5
MAJOR AREAFD 227 - Design Studio IV: Advanced Draping3
FF 211 - Visual Design Concepts III2
FF 245 - Digital Design: Flats and Floats1.5
Semester 5 Winterim
GENERAL EDUCATIONChoice - See English/Speech3
Semester 6
MAJOR AREAFD 244 - Design Development: Digital Communication Management1.5
FF 212 - Visual Design Concepts IV2
GENERAL EDUCATIONChoice - see Humanities (G7)3
Semester 6 Summerim
GENERAL EDUCATIONChoice - See History of Art (G5)3
 Total Credits: 63.5

*Fall 2016 Requirements:  See below

FIT's General Education and Art History Requirements for Art and Design Associate Degree Programs:
  • Three (3) credits from each required General Education area, totaling 9 credits: G1, G2, and G3
  • Six (6) credits from two (2) different areas in liberal arts courses in G4 - G10
  • Three (3) credits of any 200- or 300-level English literature or speech course
  • Six (6) credits from Art and Design History courses: HA 112 (3 credits, required for all Art and Design majors), plus another 3-credit HA course

FIT's Gen Ed courses are organized along the following categories: G1 Basic Communication; G2 Mathematics; G3 Natural Sciences; G4 Social Sciences; G5 Western Civilization; G6 The Arts; G7 Humanities; G8 Foreign Language; G9 Other World Civilizations; G10 American History. 

See list of Gen Ed approved courses under FIT's General Education Requirements  and Courses .  An FIT Gen Ed course cannot be used to meet more than one General Education area.  

Certain majors require specific courses. Please review your DARS audit to determine if a particular course is required by your major to meet General Education credits.

** Related Area Electives:  1.5 credits (minimum) 
FA 105   or CHOICE of another Fine Arts course           

Upper Division Alternatives:
Graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to the Bachelor of Fine Arts programs in Fabric StylingFashion Design-Children's WearFashion Design-Intimate ApparelFashion Design-KnitwearFashion Design-Special OccasionFashion Design-SportswearTextile/Surface Design , and Toy Design , and the Bachelor of Science programs in Production Management: Fashion and Related IndustriesTechnical Design , and Textile Development and Marketing .