This is an archived copy of the 2016-17 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

AF 299 — Independent Study in Fashion Design

1-3 credit

Prerequisite(s): a minimum 3.5 GPA and approval of instructor, chairperson, and dean for Art and Design.

AF 341 — Costume Design for the Performing Arts

2.5 credits; 1 lecture and 3 lab hours

Limited to baccalaureate-level students or with approval of department chair. Application of skills to theatrical production design. Through analysis of live theater, films, and videos, create costume plots and color compositions and learn research techniques, costume painting, and accessory construction.

AF 412 — Ethnic Fashions: Resources and Applications

2.5 credits; 2 lecture and 1 lab hours

Survey of ethnic fashions from archaic to contemporary periods, encompassing American Indian, Mesoamerican, Asian, African, and European folk cultures. Slides and actual costumes familiarize students with basic shapes, colors, symbols, patterns, and texture in ethnic costume and serve as inspiration in developing sketches for contemporary fashions.
Prerequisite(s): FF 111 and FF 221.

AF 499 — Independent Study in Fashion Design

1-3 credit

Prerequisite(s): a minimum 3.5 GPA and approval of instructor, chairperson, and dean for Art and Design.