JD 101 — Introduction to Jewelry Fabrication
2 credits; 1 lecture and 2 lab hours
Basic processes used in the design and creation of jewelry. Students fabricate their own designs in the studio. (G6: Arts).
JD 113 — Beginning Soldering Techniques
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Introduces precision techniques in soldering and shaping jewelry. Emphasis is on exact measurements, and control of jewelry tools and soldering torches.
Co-requisite(s): JD 114, JD 121, JD 131, JD 133, and JD 172 or approval of chairperson.
JD 114 — Piercing and Sawing Techniques
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Proper use of the jeweler's saw is emphasized and the eye is trained to understand the balance between positive and negative spaces. Students pierce and saw an intricate design in flat sheet stock.
Co-requisite(s): JD 113, JD 121, JD 131, JD 133, and JD 172 or approval of chairperson.
JD 115 — Metal Forming Techniques: Chasing and Repousse
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Introduces students to jewelry-forming techniques by making their own dapping and chasing tools by means of forging, annealing, and tempering. Using these tools, objects are created by repousse and other methods.
Prerequisite(s): all first-semester Jewelry Design courses or approval of chairperson "Co-requisite(s): JD 116, JD 122, JD 134, JD 171, and JD 173 or approval of chairperson.
JD 116 — Costume Jewelry White Metal Models
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Students learn white metal modelmaking techniques and develop skills in the basic hand and machine processes used in the production of costume jewelry. These models will be made into molds and produced in JD 122.
Prerequisite(s): all first-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): JD 115, JD 122, JD 134, JD 171, and JD 173 or approval of chairperson.
JD 121 — Wax Carving
1 credit; 2 lab hours
Wax carving of designs suitable for jewelry, stressing illusion and perspective, needed for both brooches and rings. Emphasis is on preparing a design and model for production.
Co-requisite(s): JD 113, JD 114, JD 131, JD 133, and JD 172 or approval of chairperson.
JD 122 — Jewelry Casting
2 credits; 1 lecture and 2 lab hours
Using designs developed in JD 121, students cast, learning the chemistry of alloying metals and the principles in all casting methods. Experience also is acquired in mold-making, spruing, and investing.
Prerequisite(s): JD 121.
JD 131 — Mechanical Drafting for Jewelers
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Designed to teach students the fundamentals of mechanical and plan drawing as it applies to materials, mechanisms, concepts, and designs used in jewelry.
Co-requisite(s): JD 113, JD 114, JD 121, JD 133, and JD 172 or approval of chairperson.
JD 133 — Introduction to Jewelry Design
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Emphasis is on developing creative ability. A visual sensitivity is developed through museum trips, nature studies, field trips, etc. Suitable rendering techniques, painting, and perspective requirements are covered.
Co-requisite(s): JD 113, JD 114, JD 121, JD 131, and JD 172 or approval of chairperson.
JD 134 — Jewelry Design II
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Advanced illustrative techniques in jewelry design. An elementary knowledge of stones, both precious and semi-precious, is given for incorporating in design. Assigned projects focus on industry requirements.
Prerequisite(s): all first-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): JD 115, JD 116, JD 122, JD 171, and JD 173 or approval of chairperson.
JD 138 — Introduction to CAD for Jewelry Design
2 credits; 1 lecture and 2 lab hours
Students create two- and three-dimensional computer-generated drawings and models specific to jewelry design. Using modeling software and other computer applications, students develop basic jewelry design skills to create a personal style.
Prerequisite(s): CG 111 and JD 131 or approval of chairperson.
JD 141 — Introduction to Diamonds
2 credits; 1 lecture and 2 lab hours
This introductory course provides an overview to diamonds, how crystals form, the physical and optical properties of diamonds, and mining techniques throughout history from ancient times to the present day. Other topics include a review of mining locations and techniques, and the cultural, environmental, financial, and global economic impact of diamonds.
JD 171 — Materials and Properties
2 credits; 2 lecture hours
Students learn basic chemistry and physics as they pertain to materials used in jewelry. Emphasis is on how chemicals and acids used in the industry, and the chemical composition of various stones, affect production.
JD 172 — Tools, Equipment, and Processes
1 credit; 1 lecture hour
Study of the tools, equipment, and supplies used in the jewelry industry. Discusses quality, function, and care of equipment, including sources and pricing.
Co-requisite(s): JD 113, JD 114, JD 121, JD 131, and JD 133 or approval of chairperson.
JD 173 — Materials and Findings for the Jewelry Industry
1 credit; 1 lecture hour
Studies buying procedures, sources, and up-to-date technology in the jewelry industry. Discusses precious and nonprecious materials as well as sizes, nomenclature, and methods used in jewelry manufacturing.
Prerequisite(s): all first-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): JD 115, JD 116, JD 122, JD 134, and JD 171 or approval of chairperson.
JD 181 — Basic Principles of Appraising Jewelry
2 credits; 1 lecture and 2 lab hours
Establishes methods and values in the appraisal of jewelry and precious and semiprecious stones. Students acquire familiarity with the simple tests that are available and are given guidance on current market prices.
JD 201 — Mineral Identification and Lapidary
2 credits; 1 lecture and 2 lab hours
Using appropriate tools and instruments, students learn how to identify a variety of semiprecious materials and their specific properties. Emphasizes applications of these materials for the decorative arts.
JD 213 — Nontraditional Construction Techniques in Metal
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Acquaints students with little-known experimental techniques in metalworking such as the Japanese methods of mokume-gane and shakudo.
Prerequisite(s): all second-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): JD 214, JD 215, JD 216, and JD 251 or approval of chairperson.
JD 214 — Handmade Diamond Jewelry Techniques
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Students develop the start-to-finish techniques used by industry craftspeople in the creation of handmade diamond jewelry. Includes design layout, making of a copper chablon, planning the weight and use of diamonds, and the cutting of azures.
Prerequisite(s): all second-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): JD 213, JD 215, JD 216, and JD 251 or approval of chairperson.
JD 215 — Alternative Materials for Jewelry Fabrication
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Covers the design approaches and special methods used in the manufacture of jewelry from common industrial materials, such as plastics, rubber, and stainless steel. Students design and produce prototypes for a small collection.
Prerequisite(s): all second-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): JD 213, JD 214, JD 216, and JD 251 or approval of chairperson.
JD 216 — Advanced Piercing and Metal Carving
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Concentrates on advanced piercing and metal carving techniques to create ring designs. Students maintain diaries of sketchwork and research.
Prerequisite(s): all second-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): JD 213, JD 214, JD 215, and JD 251 or approval of chairperson.
JD 217 — Handmade Platinum Jewelry
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Introduces various methods used in the making of handmade platinum jewelry, drawing upon skills learned in JD 214.
Prerequisite(s): all third-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): JD 218, JD 219, and JD 252 or approval of chairperson.
JD 218 — Hollow Form Jewelry: Die Construction and Manufacturing Techniques
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
An intensive study of hollow form jewelry techniques to produce an original finished product of exhibition quality. Includes technical drawing and fabrication of a scale model.
Prerequisite(s): all third-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): JD 217, JD 219, and JD 252 or approval of chairperson.
JD 219 — Clasps, Closings, and Findings
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Based on the principles of mechanical devices, students learn about and produce clasps, closings, and earbacks.
Prerequisite(s): all third-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): JD 217, JD 218, and JD 252 or approval of chairperson.
JD 231 — Objects Design and Rendering
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Rendering of objects and accessories from shoes and belt buckles to hair ornaments and handbags. Studies colored glass, enamel, and rhinestones used in these accessories.
Prerequisite(s): all second-semester Jewelry Design courses
Co-requisite(s): JD 233 and JD 263 or approval of chairperson.
JD 233 — Jewelry Design III
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Students are required to present an entire collection of jewelry around a particular viable theme such as certain stones, metals, or a specific market.
Prerequisite(s): all second-semester Jewelry Design courses
Co-requisite(s): JD 231 and JD 263 or approval of chairperson.
JD 235 — Fine Jewelry Portfolio
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Students develop a portfolio of fine jewelry renderings, from a variety of precious and semiprecious materials, that reflect their level of accomplishment and an understanding of industry requirements.
Prerequisite(s): all third-semester Jewelry Design courses
Co-requisite(s): JD 236 or approval of chairperson.
JD 236 — Fashion Jewelry Portfolios
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Students prepare a portfolio of costume jewelry renderings, creating seasonal lines that reflect their level of accomplishment and an understanding of industry requirements.
Prerequisite(s): all third-semester Jewelry Design courses
Co-requisite(s): JD 235 or approval of chairperson.
JD 237 — 3D Digital Object Design
2 credits; 1 lecture and 2 lab hours
This advanced digital course focuses on the creation of 3D models for the jewelry industry. Students develop control over digital commands through modeling basic forms. By combining modeling strategy and problem solving, they create and re-work solid objects, resulting in sophisticated jewelry models, ready for output to digital production hardware.
Corequisite(s): JD 273 and JD 271.
JD 239 — Design Capstone/Portfolio
2.5 credits; 5 lab hours
Students create three collections, designed with a common, related theme, in Fine Jewelry, Fashion Jewelry, and Alternative Materials Jewelry. They create two presentations; a portfolio to display the collections of paper, and a display showing actual samples produced during the class.
Prerequisite(s): JD 237 and JD 271
Corequisite(s): JD 274 and JD 267.
JD 241 — Introduction to Gemology
2 credits; 1 lecture and 2 lab hours
Study of the major gem species and their characteristics, with emphasis on their use in commercial production and price structure. Students acquire a thorough knowledge of all precious and semiprecious stones and the ways in which they are used in jewelry.
JD 243 — Gemology II
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
A gem identification course with students learning the use of various laboratory equipment such as the gemological microscope, dichroscope, polariscope, specific gravity balance, refractometer, ultraviolet light, spectroscope, and other instruments used in gem identification.
Prerequisite(s): JD 241.
JD 244 — Gemology III
3 credits; 2 lecture and 2 lab hours
An in-depth study of gem materials and their synthetic counterparts is provided. Topics include functionality of gem equipment and its application in gem testing, and an understanding of the development of a gem material from its atomic structural nature to a polished gem.
Prerequisite(s): JD 243 and JD 281, or approval of chairperson.
JD 251 — Principles of Silversmithing
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Basic study of silversmithing, including advanced use of repousse, chasing, and forming. Small simple projects in either silver, bronze, or copper are created to study these basic procedures.
JD 252 — Silversmithing Project Studio
1.5 credits; 3 lab hours
Creation of a handmade, hand-formed silver piece with emphasis on developing student's creative ability. Project should be a major work of exhibition quality.
Prerequisite(s): JD 251.
JD 261 — Changes and Trends in Jewelry Design
2 credits; 2 lecture hours
Study of the symbolic meaning as well as the economic rationale for jewelry in modern society. Students are made aware of stylistic differences, the reasons for them, and how styles are influenced by social and political events.
JD 262 — Estimating Costs
1 credit; 1 lecture hour
Using current industry pricing standards, students estimate the cost of their own designs made of precious, semiprecious, or nonprecious materials and stones.
Prerequisite(s): all second-semester Jewelry Design courses "Co-requisite(s): all third-semester Jewelry Design courses specific to option, or approval of chairperson.
JD 263 — Costume Jewelry Production and Marketing
3 credits; 3 lecture hours
Explains jewelry fashion theory, principles, and cycles and their relationship to jewelry line development while studying trends in ready-to-wear, European, and American designer collections.
Prerequisite(s): all second-semester Jewelry Design courses
Co-requisite(s): JD 231 and JD 233.
JD 267 — Jewelry Seminar/Best Business Practices
2.5 credits; 1 lecture and 3 lab hours
Using current industry price standards, students estimate the cost of their own designs made of precious, semi-precious, or non-precious materials and stones.
Prerequisite(s): JD 237, JD 271, and JD 273
Corequisite(s): JD 239 and JD 274.
JD 271 — Alternative/Sustainable Materials
2.5 credits; 5 lab hours
This course explores alternative materials for jewelry and small object design. Various natural and synthetic materials are covered such as, but not limited to, plastics and resin, woode, cement, glass, aluminum, and steel. Sustainable sourcing and working methods are stressed and emphasis is placed on professional working techniques and manufacturing practices.
Prerequisite(s): JD 272, or approval of chair
Corequisite(s): JD 237, or approval of chair.
JD 273 — Studio Fabrication III
2.5 credits; 5 lab hours
This course extends the concept of designing and fabricating jewelry for production. Stone setting and the engineering of static and articulated systems for fine jewelry is covered. Alloying metal and patination are explored and used as invaluable aesthetic enhancements for fine jewelry.
Prerequisite(s): JD 272
Corequisite(s): JD 237.
JD 274 — Fabrication Capstone/Portfolio
2.5 credits; 5 lab hours
This capstone course explores components and processes necessary for finishing jewelry, from mechanical systems to finishing techniques, culminating in the fabrication of a suite of jewelry demonstrating skills and concepts studied in the program. Production of the suite is integral to concurrent fourth semester design and project management courses.
Prerequisite(s): JD 273 and JD 271, or approval of chair
Corequisite(s): JD 239 and JD 267.
JD 281 — Diamond Grading
2 credits; 1 lecture and 2 lab hours
Teaches techniques of grading diamonds as to color, clarity, and cut, including basic knowledge needed for diamond selection and establishment of base for pricing. Discusses history and technical terms pertaining to diamond grading.
JD 299 — Independent Study in Jewelry Design
1-3 credit
Prerequisite(s): a minimum 3.5 GPA and approval of instructor, chairperson, and dean for Art and Design.