This is an archived copy of the 2013-14 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Scholastic Standing

Scholastic standing is determined by a semester index, computed by multiplying grade value by credit hours for the course, and dividing the sum by the total credit hours the students carried.

Students may repeat only courses in which one of the following grades has been received: “F,” “WA,” “WD,” or “WF.” All grades remain on record and are calculated into the GPA. Grades of incomplete (“IN”) are not included in the GPA.
The following grades are used for final marks:

Grade Quality Points
Grade Grade Value
IPIn Progress
WAAuthorized withdrawl
WDStudent-initated authorized withdrawl
WFUnathorized withdrawl
YIntermdeiate grade
ZNo Grade
Grade Description
INIncompletes are assigned at the instructor’s discretion. Coursework must be completed within six weeks of the start of the following semester. “IN” cannot become a “WD.”
IPIndicates that a thesis is in progress. “IP” is replaced by an appropriate letter grade when the thesis is completed or by an “F” if matriculation is not maintained.
LAudit grade (may be assigned for nondegree student only).
P/FA “P” grade is not calculated in the scholastic average, but credit is received and recorded on the academic transcript. An “F” grade is calculated in the GPA.
WAAuthorized withdrawal, which may be assigned after six weeks at the instructor’s discretion, carries no penalty and does not affect GPA. This grade is a terminal grade and changes are not accepted.
WDStudent-initiated authorized withdrawal is permitted up to the sixth week and does not affect GPA. This grade is a terminal grade and changes are not accepted.
WFUnauthorized withdrawal, which may be assigned after six weeks at the instructor’s discretion, carries a penalty, and is equivalent to an “F” in the GPA. This grade is a terminal grade and changes are not accepted.
YIntermediate grade assigned after the first of two semesters or the first two semesters of a three-semester sequence. “Y” will be replaced by an appropriate letter grade when sequence is completed. Does not affect GPA.
ZNo grade reported by instructor at grade-processing deadline. Does not affect GPA.

All grade disputes must be resolved within two years of receipt of the grade and cannot be disputed once the degree is awarded and sealed.

Procedure for Pass/Fail

  1. No major subject can be taken on a pass/fail basis. AAS candidates are permitted to take a maximum of 6 free elective or liberal arts elective credits on a pass/fail basis. BS candidates may take up to 6 liberal arts elective credits for a pass/fail grade. BFA candidates are permitted to take 3 elective credits on a pass/fail basis.
  2. At least one full semester must have been completed at FIT; students must be currently registered for no fewer than 12 regularly graded credits in addition to the course taken on a pass/fail basis.
  3. Only 3 credit hours per semester can be taken on a pass/fail basis.
  4. The instructor must be informed within the first three weeks of the class that the course is to be taken on a pass/fail basis. Forms are available online at and in the Registrar’s Office.
  5. No more than one pass/fail course may be taken in any one department during each degree program.
  6. Only a course with a grade of “F,” “WA,” “WD,” or “WF” may be repeated.

Academic Standards/Probation and Dismissal

The Office of the Registrar notifies students of their academic standing in writing (via email and mail) at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Students whose academic standing is academic probation or academic dismissal may appeal the decision to the Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Standards. The academic standing appeal procedure is a formal request by a student seeking to appeal for an exception to the academic standing regulations as published in the college catalogue and on the following website: A student may appeal their status for three consecutive regular semesters following the decision of probation or dismissal. 

Following are the criteria for academic probation or academic dismissal:

  • A student is placed on probation if the semester GPA (grade point average) is below 2.0.
  • A student is not subject to academic dismissal at the end of the first semester in a degree program.
  • A student will be dismissed from the college after two consecutive semesters with a GPA below 2.0.

Students who have been academically dismissed from the college are permitted to take only noncredit-bearing courses offered through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.

Please see for complete details for the academic standing appeal process and a copy of the appeal form.

Transfer of Credit

The Registrar’s Office evaluates courses from any other college for transfer of credit. Acceptance of specific units depends upon the requirement of the major for which application is made and the extent and degree of similarity between the program previously pursued and that to which transfer is requested. Only “C” or better grades are acceptable.

FIT subscribes to SUNY regulations with regard to transfer of grades from SUNY and CUNY colleges.

Students who are interested in transferring to senior colleges after graduation from FIT are advised in the Registrar’s Office. Upon the students’ written request, the Registrar sends an official transcript to any educational institution. A separate audit sheet for SUNY General Education Requirements is also sent when students apply to SUNY senior colleges. Transcripts are $10 each. Normal processing takes approximately five business days. For more information about transcript processing, visit .

FIT Policy on Classroom Credits and Hours

FIT follows the State University of New York (SUNY) policy on credits and hours, which is a variant of the traditional "Carnegie Unit." In lecture courses, one semester credit hour equals one hour of classroom instruction and two hours of outside study for each class session. A typical three-credit lecture course at FIT meets three hours a week for 15 weeks for a total of 45 hours, and six hours a week of outside study. For further information, please see the FIT website at and at