This is an archived copy of the 2016-17 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

School of Art and Design

Applications accepted for fall only.      NYSED: 27491     HEGIS 1009 

The Accessories Design major offers design, technical, and business skills to prepare students for careers in design, product development, merchandising, and entrepreneurship. Curriculum below is for the entering class of Fall 2016. 

Semester 5Credits
MAJOR AREALD 332 - Theatrical and Character Footwear3
LD 342 - Zippered Handbags Design2.5
LD 371 - Accessories that have Changed Fashion2.5
RELATED AREAJD 138 - Introduction to CAD Modeling for Designers2
LIBERAL ARTSHA 344 - History of Western Costume3
choice - see Liberal Arts Requirements*3
Semester 6
MAJOR AREALD 331 - Athletic Footwear Design3
LD 451 - Sports-Specific Bags and Carrying Gear2.5
RELATED AREAJD 237 - 3D Digital Object Design2
TD 362 - Screen Printing for Accessories Design2
LIBERAL ARTSchoice - see History of Art3
choice -see Foreign Language*3
PE/HEALTHchoice - PE/Health1
Semester 7
MAJOR AREALD 333 - Nontraditional Footwear Design2.5
LD 341 - Unconventional Handbag Techniques2.5
LD 471 - The Accessories Industry2.5
LD 492 - Portfolio Development3
RELATED AREAchoice - see Related Area Elective**3
LIBERAL ARTSchoice - see Foreign Language*3
Semester 8
MAJOR AREALD 491 - Accessories Design Senior Project3
RELATED AREAIC 497 - Senior Internship C: Career Planning3
choice - see Related Area Elective**3
LIBERAL ARTSchoice - see Requirements*3
 Total Credits: 61

Fall 2016 Requirements:  See below

* Liberal Arts: 18 credits

  • Liberal Arts elective: 6 credits. Select a Liberal Arts course (for which prerequisites have been met) from the following subject areas: CH (Chinese), EN (English), FI (Film and Media) - any FI course other than FI 261, 361, 461, 362, and 462, FR (French), HA (History of Art),  HE (Health Education) HE 201, or 301, IT (Italian), JA (Japanese), MU (Music) MU 202, 203, or 391, HI (History), MA (Math), LA (Liberal Arts), MC (Modern Languages and Cultures), PE (Physical Education and Dance) PE 215, 216, 217, PL (Philosophy), SC (Science), SP (Spanish), and SS (Social Sciences). See Liberal Arts Courses
  • Foreign Language: 6 credits. Two semesters of the same foreign language, one of which must meet General Education Foreign Language requirement (G8). See the list of courses available in Foreign Languages
  • History of Art: 6 credits. HA 344 and CHOICE of one (1) additional 3-credit History of Art course that meets General Education Other World Civilizations requirement (G9). See History of Art

**Related Area Electives:  6 credits. 
CHOICE of any two to four elective courses in Art and Design (for which prerequisites have been met) totaling 6 credits.  

NOTE: Students accepted into the BFA program who have not received an AAS in Accessories Design must complete LD 133, 134, 143, and 144 prior to semester 5.